PNGLNG Plant Landowners Receive Royalty Benefits

Royalty benefits for the PNG LNG’s Petroleum Processing Facility Licence 2 (PPFL2) area landowners is now ready for disbursement. The clan heads of Boera village with their first ever roayalty payments after an official ceremony to mark the start of the payment exercies in Boera village The Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) made the announcement […]

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New MP Directors welcomed

With the country’s national general elections successfully completed in August, all 111 Members of Parliament who represent the 21 Provinces and 90 districts in the country have been elected and sworn into parliament. Governor for Central Robert Agorabe (2nd from left) meeting part of the management team during a visit to MRDC after being elected. […]

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MRDC gives a helping hand to Hanuabada Appeal

The Mineral Resource Development Company (MRDC) presented K10, 000 in cash plus three huge boxes of gifts to families who lost their livelihood in a fire that tore through Hanuabada Village in August. MRDC External Affairs and Sustainable Development General Manager Imbi Tagune and his MRDC staff, on behalf of Managing Director, Augustine Mano presented […]

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7th Kutubu Kundu and Digaso Festival gets its highest number of Tourist visitors

The colorful Kutubu Kundu and Digaso festival celebrated its 7th year in September, this time hosting its highest number of tourist visitors to the festival in Daga Village, Pimaga. Tourists and traditional dancers posing for a photograph at the show ground. The folks from Kutubu, Moran, Huli and Bosavi certainly did not let the visitors […]

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MRDC wins PM’s golf challenge

AFTER 12-years of waiting, the Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) have finally broke a long-drought by winning their first every premier golf title, the 2017 Prime Minister’s Corporate Golf Challenge. The four-men Ambrose team led by Port Moresby representative player Lucas Komane blitzed the strong field of 30 teams to win their first golf title. […]

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MRDC’s Legal Manager Makiba farewell

While this quarter saw the election of new Members of Parliament of which a few were welcomed into the boards of MRDC’s trustee companies, MRDC had to say goodbye to one its own who successfully contested this National General Elections. Manasseh Makiba, MRDC’s Legal Manager earlier this year resigned to contest the Komo-Magarima electorate seat […]

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Poultry Project to Empower Kutubu Women

MRDC has embarked on a journey focusing on assisting women in the resource project areas to empower themselves. In the last 2 years, the company has supported the Kutubu Women’s council through donations of cash to assist the women in various projects. This quarter, MRDC is backing the women with seed capital for a Chicken […]

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MRDC honors long serving staff at awards ceremony

MRDC has honoured 69 of its long serving employees in a special awards presentation held on Monday this week. The event, the first of its kind for the organization, was held to honour their loyalty and dedication to the company over a long period of time. Collectively, the 69 staff contributed more than 100 years […]

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PDL7 receives first royalty and dividend payment

MRDC and Gas Resources Hides 4 has begun paying the 277 beneficiary landowner clans of Hides Petroleum Development License (PDL) 7 their first equity and royalty payments. A total of K19.6 million was paid into the beneficiary clan bank accounts yesterday MRDC and Gas Resources Hides 4 has begun paying the 277 beneficiary landowner clans […]

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Boera village receives new multi-purpose community Hall

Boera village today received its newly built multi-purpose community hall from Gas Resources PNGLNG Plant Limited (GRPNGLNGPL) and Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC). Boera village today received its newly built multi-purpose community hall from Gas Resources PNGLNG Plant Limited (GRPNGLNGPL) and Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC). The two-story multi-purpose community hall was built by GRPNGLNGPL […]

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