MRDC has embarked on a journey focusing on assisting women in the resource project areas to empower themselves.

In the last 2 years, the company has supported the Kutubu Women’s council through donations of cash to assist the women in various projects.

This quarter, MRDC is backing the women with seed capital for a Chicken Poultry project by putting up K30,000 which will be managed and coordinated by the Kutubu Women’s Council.

MRDC managing Director Augustine Mano said by backing small economic projects at the rural level, women area able to support themselves and their families.

“I know this is funding will go a long way for these women so I am happy to support their initiatives, knowing that the Kutubu women are looking at opportunities to better themselves and the quality of their lives rather than wait for handouts”, he said.

The K30, 000 will be used as seed capital which will enable women from the different council wards to run poultry farms. The money generated from the project will then support these women in other economic activities in their villages.

Kutubu Women’s council president, Anne Hewago was very thankful of the continued support MRDC has been providing to the women.

She said MRDC is one organisation that has backed the women over the years when they most needed it.

MRDC has in the past assisted the council to purchase a portable scan machine which would enable health officers to better review pregnant mothers during their clinics.

The company has also assisted the women to run various other awareness programs run by the women group.