MRDC recognizes PNG’s fashion industry potential

Papua New Guinea’s potential to become a dynamic fashion and garment industry in the world is being recognised and supported by corporate and business houses in the country. The Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) strongly believes that the country has a lot to offer on the global fashion stage. The company presented a K25, 000 […]

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Moran PDL5 beneficiaries receive 2015 royalties

Beneficiaries of the Moran Petroleum Development Licence 5 (PDL5) in July received, their royalties totaling K1.2million for the period of January to December 2015. As per the Oil and Gas Act, 40% of the amount is paid to landowners, 30% to the Community Investment Trust Fund (CITF) and the remaining 40% to Future Generation Trust […]

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Late Director Baru farewelled

With great sadness MRDC fare-welled another outstanding board member in June. The late Mr Jac Baru passed away on the 24th of June leaving behind a wife, three daughters and two sons. The news left the family devastated as they had only just farewelled their daughter Kristie, who was killed in a plane crash outside […]

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MRDC promotes women empowerment on FM Central

PNG needs more platforms for women to use as a support system to speak about major issues that affect them. Women are basically in fear to speak up about issues affecting them simply because they don’t have the support of the government or major organizations. Women empowerment is one of the areas that is being […]

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PNG Continues to invest Hotels Overseas

Papua New Guinean companies continue to invest in hotels in the neighbouring Pacific island nations. The recent investment is the multi-million dollar Taumeasina Island Resort in Samoa. The Taumeasina Island Resort is owned by three PNG companies; the Lamana Group (50%) Petroleum Resources Gobe (19%) and Mineral Resources Development Company (31%). PNG is being seen […]

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Basic mediation skills training

The need for mediators to handle alternative dispute resolution to resolve conflicts and disputes which can be ongoing and costly through court proceedings has become crucial in PNG. Such drawn out court proceedings become time consuming and costly, thus hindering the development of individuals, businesses and even the nation on matters of national interest. With […]

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Star Mountain Plaza development update

The June issue of the MRDC Tokaut highlighted progress on the Star Mountain Plaza (SMP) project after one year of official construction. Since then we have made further progress both on and off site. We have also achieved some important milestones. The completion of the car park structure five days ahead of schedule is one […]

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Crocodile Prize announces new sponsor

Papua New Guinea’s national writing contest, the Crocodile Prize, will continue this year, thanks to much needed backing from corporate and private sponsors in the country. In July, the Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) signed on to sponsor the “Women in Writing’ category which is one of the seven categories in the competition. The Crocodile […]

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Social touch brings together industry partners

The staff of the Mineral Resources Development Company joined colleagues in the industry for a friendly game of touch rugby at the ExxonMobil field in August. The game was an initiative of ExxonMobil to bring together companies and people working in the industry to socialize and get to know each other in a more relaxed […]

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Homa-Paua welcomes new health centre

The people of Homa-Pawa, in Kutubu District, Southern Highlands Province have been deprived of their rights to good health and well-being for so long that they have had to travel to Kutubu and Mendi to access health services, which cost money for both the health service and transportation. Trust Fund (CITF) has built a health […]

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