The staff of the Mineral Resources Development Company joined colleagues in the industry for a friendly game of touch rugby at the ExxonMobil field in August.

The game was an initiative of ExxonMobil to bring together companies and people working in the industry to socialize and get to know each other in a more relaxed and social atmosphere.

The six companies that participated were; ExxonMobil (EMPNG), Oil Search Limited (OSL) Total, Kumul Consolidated Holdings (KCH), Horizon Oil and MRDC.

The game started at 5pm with MRDC playing against Total and losing 1-0. Game two was a tough game with MRDC going up against Horizon where neither team scored. Exhausted from the previous game MRDC lost to EMPNG 2-0 in game three.

The corporate touch footy will hopefully be a monthly event where each company will have the opportunity to host a game.