Star Mountain Fuel Station

The Hohola Mobil Service Station is owned by MRDC Group subsidiary, Star Mountain Service Station Limited (SMSSL). It is in partnership with MRDC and Mobil Oil New Guinea (MONG), a subsidiary of Mobil PNG Limited (MOBIL). MONG is the downstream business of MOBIL. The mid-stream and up-stream business is managed under Exxon Mobil PNG

SMSSL is a three-way partnership between the three MRDC subsidiaries from Western Province – Mineral Resources Star Mountains Limited (MRSM), Mineral Resources Ok Tedi Limited (MROT), and Mineral Resources Community Mine Continuation Agreement Holdings Limited (MRCMCAH), holding equal share in SMSSL

The Hohola Mobil Service Station Site is MOBIL’s first “FLAGSHIP” site in PNG. The success of this model is expected to pave the way for development of more similar sites across the Country. MRDC’s partnership with MOBIL on the development of the Hohola Service Station provides a unique opportunity for the MRDC Group to capitalize on MOBIL’s expansion plan of their national retail footprint. It will be operated by Lifu Holding, a local specialist fuels station outlet operator based in Port Moresby.