Pacific Properties Trust

The MRDC Group of Companies (Petroleum Resources Kutubu, Mineral Resources Star Mountains, Petroleum Resources Gobe and Petroleum Resources Moran) owns more than ninety eight percent (98.3%) of Pacific Property Trust (PPT).

Three PPT owned buildings: MRDC Haus (formerly Pacific Place) and Pacific MMI in Port Moresby and Moran Haus in Lae, Papua New Guinea.

The PPT was the first property trust established in Papua New Guinea and registered under the Securities Act 1997. PPT is administered in accordance with a Trust Deed approved and registered by the Securities Commission. In 2014, MRDC took over the trusteeship and management function after the retirement of the former trustee and manager. PPT’s major assets are MRDC Haus (formerly known Pacific Place), Pacific MMI Buildings and the former ANZ Haus in Lae.