THE leading resource owner custodian company, Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) is fulfilling its social obligation to the community by supporting the delivering of education books in the remote Southern Highlands province.

In partnership with US-based non-government organization, the Niugini Foundation, MRDC spent over K100,000 in delivering education books to Erave, Southern Highlands province.

Public relations officer Iona Reto presenting the donated library books to teachers from Don Mosley and Gobe Argo tech school.

Niugini Foundation executive director James Kisa said the books were shipped from US to Port Moresby and were sorted out before repacked into two containers and delivered to Semberigi and Erave schools.

The delivery of two containers of library books to community schools in remote Sembirigi in Erave in the Southern Highlands through partnership with the Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC), he said.

Kisa said the first delivery was to Semberigi schools namely Gobe Argi High schools, Don Mosely and Wemi Primary schools.

(1 container with close to 200 boxes of books)

According to MRDC public relation officer Iona Reto who had the opportunity to deliver the books on behalf of the company said the teachers were very happy as their present library has a couple of hundred reading books and encyclopaedias which are very outdated.

Despite famous motto of Education being the key to our success, a lot of schools throughout the country still lacked basic education and library materials.

Reto said the teachers and students from Gobe Agri High school, Don Mosley and Wemi Primary schools of Semberigi in Southern Highlands Province asked me to pass onto you a HUGE