The Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) has reaffirmed its support of Life Care Inc. ‘’Strongim Pikinini Education Program” this year with the donation of K10, 000 last month (February).


Colin Pake and wife with all the children under their care at Life PNG Care.

The cheque was presented by MRDC Public Relations Officer Miss Iona Reto to the organization during their annual school photo shoot.

MRDC as custodians of tomorrow believes in education as a catalyst for a better future, and therefore it is important to support and promote organizations such as Life PNG Care to educate children who are born into unfortunate circumstances.

Director of Life PNG Care Mr Collin Pake thanked MRDC for its continuous support since 2015 and also acknowledged MRDC’s support in other community projects and initiatives that strive to make a change in this country.

“On behalf of the students, our kids and our visiting kids, volunteers and everyone, we thank the MD Augustine Mano and the management team. I know this is not the only organization they are supporting, this group is an amazing group. They support many community projects and initiatives all across the country and we are proud of their support” said Pake.

Mr Pake stated that without the support of companies like MRDC the children would not be able to attend school, which may leave some on the streets while others looking for other means and ways to survive.

“We acknowledge your valuable contribution towards our vision, our vision is to impact unfortunate children through education” said Pake

PR Officer Iona Reto encouraged the children to stay in school as education was the key to a good and better life.

“Education is everything, it is everything in life in order for you to better yourself and have a good life”. Stated Reto Miss Reto thanked and acknowledged the important work of Life PNG Care through Collin and his wife.

Along with the financial assistance, MRDC also distributed merchandise such as water bottles, school bags and calendars to the students.

LPNGC at the end of the event presented a framed certificate of appreciation to MRDC for its continuous support.