Boera Village in Central Province have received twenty (20) new outboard motors and dinghies from their LANCO Gas Resources PNGLNG Plant Limited (GR- PNGPNGPL) to promote sustainability through subsistence fishing and farming.

Twenty new dingies awaiting presentation at the Koke Hanua Resort in Boera Village.

The outboard motors and dinghies were purchased through the Boera Community Infrastructure Trust Fund (CITF), set aside for them as one of four landowning villages of the PNGLNG Project Plant facility.

Their director representing them on the board of GR-PNGLNGPL Ms. Ulato Avei who is also the Chairperson on the board purchased the dinghies as part of a community economic initiative which aims to bring back the culture of subsistence fishing and farming for the village.

The brand new dinghies and outboard motors were purchased from Ela Motors at a cost of up to K530, 000 and were presented to the landowners today (Thursday, 12th of September) in Koke Hanua, Boera Village.

Avei had also previously donated two fully kitted tractors in March this year to encourage women in agriculture in the pursuit of promoting sustainable development.

GR-PNGLNG PL in its two years of operation has contributed to improving and enhancing the lives of the four impacted villages by building essential infrastructure through their Community Infrastructure Trust Fund (CITF).

Under the management and leadership of MRDC, GR-PNGLNG PL is confident in its capability to help develop the four-landowning villages of the PNGLNG Plant facility. To date, GR-PNGLNGPL has spent a total of K4.4 Million on community infrastructure projects in important sectors like Health and Education.

The CITF is a 30 % portion set aside from all landowner payments per the Oil and Gas Act, to build infrastructure projects and support initiatives which benefit the entire community. Another 30% put towards the Future Generations While 40% of any benefit is in cash payments.