MRDC and Gas Resources PNGLNG Plant Limited (GR PNGLNGPL) today announced the handing over of more than K3.7 million worth of community projects to Porebada village

Porebada village receives more than K3 mil community projects

MRDC and Gas Resources PNGLNG Plant Limited (GR PNGLNGPL) today announced the handing over of more than K3.7 million worth of community projects to Porebada village.

These include:

  1. a fully-operational community health centre;
  2. three health staff houses
  3. 35 dinghies with outboard motors
  4. two community trucks
  5. one multi-purpose tractor
  6. two small-church trucks
  7. an ablution building
  8. three incinerators with generators
  9. a water tank for the Health Centre and
  10. a board walkway for the Porebada-east community

GR PNGLNGPL funded these projects under its 2019-2020 Porebada Community Infrastructure Trust Fund (CITF) which MRDC manages.

Speaking during the hand-over, Managing Director for MRDC, Augustine Mano said, “these are vital projects that will deliver broader community benefits to the Porebada village.”

“I am glad to see that under the strong leadership and cooperation of the GR PNGLNGPL board and the support from our key partners and stakeholders, these projects are now completed,” said Mr Mano.

MRDC’s vision has always been about improving the quality of life for our beneficiaries through prudent management of their wealth from the resource projects.

“Under the MRDC management, your company is certainly realizing this vision,” he said.

The onus is now on the community to take ownership of these community investments and “look after them so that the community can continue to benefit from them.” Mr Mano told the Porebada community and the key stakeholders that gathered to witness the event – the Central Provincial Government and its relevant agencies and partners, that MRDC recognizes and values this public-private partnership.

“This partnership is valuable for the success of our CITF programs and we look forward to continuing this partnership and working with all our key stakeholders.”

As the trust company representing the four main villages of the PNGLNG Plant site – Papa, Lealea, Porebada and Boera, GR PNGLNGPL ran one of the most successful CITF program, delivering many social improvement and economic empowerment projects across the four villages since 2017.

CITF is a 30 per cent portion set aside from all landowner payments per the Oil & Gas Act to build infrastructure projects and support initiatives, which benefits the entire community.

Another 30 per cent is put aside for investment while 40 per cent of any benefit acquired by the landowner company is given as cash payments to the beneficiaries.

For media enquiries, contact:

MRDC Corporate Communications
