This is a momentous moment for the people of Kikori, including myself, with the opening of the new BSP Bank and Post PNG Post Office facilities.

As a Director of PRK I would like to thank the partners involved in this project namely Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC), Bank South Pacific (BSP) and Post PNG. Building modern facilities such as a bank and post office in a remote location is not an easy task either so I must also thank the contractor, Global Modular Solutions, tasked with this the construction of these facilities.

Again I am very honoured to be here to witness this very special occasion and know what it means for the people of Kikori who are beneficiaries of PRK.

Landowner companies are not usually seen as a vehicle for development in PNG. Usually landowner beneficiaries in resource areas in the country are mere spectators receiving little in terms of tangible development. Kikori, although a beneficiary because of the oil and now LNG pipeline, has seen little to no development for many years.

The new bank and post office mean that PRKs landowner beneficiaries will not have to travel out of Kikori to access their funds or for postal services. These two new facilities create many opportunities that have been long denied to the people of Kikori.

As a native of Kikori myself I want to urge our people to take care of these facilities as it is for your benefit that they have been created in the first place. I also want our people to remember that it was our landowner company, PRK, in partnership with BSP and Post PNG that has made this event a reality.

I would also like to support PRK Chairman, John Kapi Natto’s assurance that PRK will continue to invest and implement development projects for our beneficiaries.

Abraham Murepe

Director of PRK Board (Kikori Representative)