Schoolteacher Roselyn Tony added another award to her collection, claiming the MRDC sponsored ‘Women in Writing’ award in the 2016 Annual Crocodile Prize Literature competition.

Tony’s winning entry is titled ‘The Egin Bride’ which is an account of a traditional singing ceremony that provides a platform for courtship in the Simbu culture.

The acclaimed local writer who hails from East Sepik and Simbu won the Rivers Award on Peach and Harmony twice in a row in 2014 and 2015. Since entering the competition in 2014, two of her short stories on Heritage were published in the 2015 Crocodile Prize Anthology.

Tony has taught for over 19 years in some of the remote areas of PNG. The Crocodile Prize Award competition was established in 2010 as a vehicle to encourage creative and critical writing in Papua New Guinea and to provide Papua New Guineans with access to home-grown literature.

MRDC was a sponsor of one of seven writing categories. The 2016 winners were announced during an awards ceremony at the Australian High Commission in February this year.

Entry is now open to all Papua New Guinean citizens for the 2017 competition.

The Crocodile Prize competition offers awards in seven (7) categories being Short Story, Illustrations, Book of the Year, Women in Writing, Essays and Journalism, Heritage and Children’s writing.