A commitment fulfilled in the Highlands of Kagua- Erave District in the Southern Highlands Province saw the commissioning of a new generator for the Kagua Secondary School worth half a million

The commissioning comes under the community initiative program of Petroleum Resource GOBE through the Mineral Resource Development Company.

It was an event anticipated by not only the students and staff of Kagua Secondary School but the whole community of Kagua Erave.

Some who walked for days to reach the schools from their inland villages would not dare to miss this significant event knowing their children would greatly benefit from what will be handed over.

The community came to a standstill as they welcomed members of the Mineral Resource Development Company and Petroleum Resource Gobe to the school for the official Ceremony that was held at the Kagua Secondary School on the 4th of June, 2018.

The Generator given to the school is a 165 kva set with additional connectivity.

Managing Director of MRDC Augustine Mano during his official speech said in the past there were no well-educated people and the money they earned was not as much as what is earned today. But with the little this very people had they helped to build the community we live in today.

Mano further thanked the teachers, students and parents for using what they had to run the school for the many years and for making such a commitment to ensure such a project be achieved to benefit them all.

Petroleum Resource Gobe Chairman Phillip Kande officially handed over the keys to the School Board of Governors and urged them that the generator and its additional connectivity is just one of the commitments that have been fulfilled.

He added that they are aware of the needs that need to be addressed in the community and have plans underway on what to do next for there are still so many things yet to be done to better our communities, which will require the support from everyone to move the country forward.