Students at the Papa Primary school in Central province will now be able enjoy learning in the comfort of two new and upgraded double story classrooms thanks to their landowner company Gas Resources PNGLNG Plant Limited (GR-PNGLNGPL).

Infornt of the new double classrooms during the opening, GRPNGLNGPL Director Solo Damena (2nd left) Chairperson Ulato Avei (Centre) MRDC MD Augustine Mano (Right), ExxonMobil’s Superintendent Singh.
GR-PNGLNG, a subsidiary of the Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) Group today delivered the new classrooms as part of its ongoing commitment to improve and promote education for their communities.
The project was funded through their Community Infrastructure Trust Fund (CITF) where 30 per cent from any benefits from the PNGLNG Project is set aside for community infrastructure projects.
Built at a cost of K400, 000, the project involved the construction of two downstairs classrooms on an existing two storey double classroom. It also includes minor improvements to the two upstairs classrooms, specifically paint job, removal of floor and re-flooring. The modern double classrooms, fully kitted with desks were completed on time and under budget.
MRDC Group continues to deliver community infrastructure projects in the Oil and Gas beneficiary communities through its subsidiaries. GR_PNGLNGPL has been a leading example of this, to date, close to K2 million kina has been investment in vital education infrastructure in the four landowning villages around the PNGLNG Plant processing facility.
MRDC managing Director Mr Augustine Mano praised the directors for their working relationship with each other and the community to deliver services to their communities.
“Your spirit of corporation and consultation is admirable. It’s unique that all the directors live in their villages and that’s why they’ve been able to substitute the services that the government should provide” said Mano.
Boera Primary School last year received Two Bedroom Unit Double Storey Staff Duplex at a cost of K890, 000, Lealea Primary School received two-two Storey Double Classrooms at a cost of K540, 000 and now Papa Primary school with its double classrooms for K400, 000.
MRDC through its subsidiaries see the importance of building these important community infrastructures as they are crucial in delivering benefits to the broader community.
Mr Mano assured the community that this would not be the last of services to be delivered to the community.
“As long as we have the PNGLNG project and the leadership, we will keep improving Papa Community School and the vision the school board has we will realise it” said Mano