Landowner Company Gas Resources PNGLNG Plant Limited (GR-PNGLNG PL) has thrown its support to women from the four plant site villages to sustain their agriculture activities by donating two (2) new tractors.


Mr Mano (right) handing over the keys to the new tractors to Boera Women in Agriculture Representatives.

The tractors were purchased at a cost of K400,000, through GR-PNGLNGPL’s Community Infrastructure Trust Fund (CITF) as part of the company’s commitment to promote agricultural sustainability in the four impacted communities. They come fully kitted with agricultural accessories for higher agricultural productivity.

The plant site communities have relied on subsistence farming and fishing for their livelihoods for generations before income from the PNGLNG project was introduced. Therefore the tractors are provided to encourage the villages to continue farming the land to grow cash crops, instead of having a dependency on equity and royalty.

The two tractors will be allocated to the four village’s, with one to be shared between Boera and Porebada while the other will be for Papa and Rea-Rea. They will be managed by women groups from the respective villages who will charge a minimal fee to farmers requiring its use.

GR-PNGLNGPL acknowledges that women play an important role in the communities and will continue to support them in their endeavours that benefit their families and Communities.